Aggressive Defense of YOUR Rights
Aggressive Defense of YOUR Rights
Can I drive in Michigan with my firearm?
What should you do if police suspect you are driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol?
Can I get my old felony or misdemeanor expunged from my record?
Were your Fourth Amendment rights ignored during your traffic stop?
What are your Miranda rights, and what does it mean if the cop never read you yours before arresting you?
How do you handle a traffic stop if you have been drinking?
Have you been arrested for driving under the influence in the state of Michigan? Call now to find out what your options are during your free consultation. (313) 444-0030
How to protest and protect your rights
Here are some things you should know/ask before hiring your attorney. Believe it or not, not all lawyers are trustworthy. Get the right lawyer in your corner.
How do you decide whether or not to take your case to trial?
When should you talk to the police?
What should you do if you get a ticket in Michigan?
One in five people has an error in their credit reports. This can cost you a lot of money. Or, we can fix these errors together, and you can receive up to $1,000 for each error...and you pay me NOTHING.
Go to now and request your credit reports so we can find these errors and make things right.
Arrested for domestic battery in Michigan?
Here's what happens next.
How do you know whether your car qualifies under Michigan's lemon law?
Have you been arrested in Michigan for operating while impaired by marijuana or other drugs?
What happens if you are facing multiple charges?
17200 W 10 Mile Rd, Ste 200, Southfield, MI 48075